Thursday, February 12

lesson learned.

it's weird how i keep making the same mistakes.
i just feel like i ask too many questions, so this time i decided to handle something on my own (i thought it was a fairly simple problem) and then i got burrrned. metaphorically.

all i had to do was call her and let her know what was going on. there was a simple dilemma when i was ordering something for her and something wasn't specified- the other party asked me to send them more information about a certain property and i did.

this whole time, she was out of the office and when i called her at the end to update her, she said why didn't you ask me? why did you send something without my permission?

all the other times she scolded me, i didn't feel too bad because i felt that she was blaming me for something that was inevitable. THIS time, i knew what i was doing but i thought she would thank me for it because there was no other way to get around the problem. BUT there was. and she knew it right away- she explained to me that she gets the assignments that she gets because of her experience- and then i felt really really bad.

ugh. i don't know what i'm going to do when i see her tomorrow morning. i'm so scared.

at least now i know, don't do ANYTHING without asking. especially when you're working FOR someone- you're doing things on their behalf so you better do what they want you to do.

i hate the real world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh no! i hope everything works out babe. keep me posted. =)